Tuesday, December 30, 2008

December on the 'Range

Here's a glimpse of our December: I know I've got to be missing stuff, but here's the fun things :)
My parents made us a wreath. We were joined on Christmas Day by:
My Dad
Laurie and Tristan

My Mom

Shawn was home too :)

Randy came over

and it was fun to see Tristan opening his presents

We have gotten a lot of snow this December. Perfect for snowmobiling (Yes Dan and Mauri, I'm talking to you!)

Our farm animals are making it, but I'm not sure how. Wow has it been cold, then warms up, then cold again. Poor things

Saturday following Christmas, one of my goats gave birth. Yes, they are in the GARAGE!

One of the girls

the lonely boy

the one on the right didn't make it. She was just too little. Shawn tried to make me feel better by saying it's really hard to make triplets survive. She was just too weak and too small when she was born. If this had been any other time, she would have been hauled in the house and I would have been feeding her for months. However, with baby coming, I knew Shawn wasn't going to go for that as an added chore!
Hope everyone has a wonderful New Year!


Forstie said...

Looks like fun at the Lindula farm!! And that picture of the snow and the sun peeking through the trees is beautiful!! Maybe we will be able to go up there one of these christmas' to enjoy the snow with you guys!

lindula said...

Welcome any year for Christmas! It would be fun to have all of you here!

lindula said...

We are to old to play in the snow anymore. We sold our sleds last year, because it never snowed. Only miss them a tiny little bit. But we do have lots of snow this season and now we just stay indoors when it's cold out. What a great idea for the Az. Lindula's to come here for Christmas time. I would love all the commotion with little ones around.