Tuesday, February 12, 2008

New kid on the farm

Yesterday or the day before, Shawn pointed out how my black goat must be pregnant as she has a bag on her. We were both amazed as she is just so fat, that we didn't think she would ever get pregnant.

So, last evening, I was out doing my evening chores - 9PM or so and heard my big fat black goat (Chubs) crying. Sure enogh, she's in labor. Well, she sure isn't conditioned to delivery due to being very huge. Shawn came and helped and we got one out, cleaned off, breathing. Make another temporary shed in the garage and move her and baby in there as it was cold outside.

Comes to the delivery of the next one and neither Shawn nor I could get our hand around the head. Denise was able to and got the kid out. We tried to make that little thing breathe, but just couldn't get it to. Then, Shawn checks to make sure there aren't any more kids and.... another one. That one didn't make it either. I was really worried that Mom wasn't going to make it through the deliveries, but she did and the first baby (Denise appropriately named it "Lucky") and Mom are doing fine.

Now to get the baby to suck, but for now, milking and feeding with a syringe. Needless to say, a late night, early morning, and a lot of work when I get home. Will have to leave work early to check on the "kid" :)


Forstie said...

those stillborns must be tender eating P.L

lindula said...

That is disgusting! Not going to happen. I could have sent them down to you - one of them was really big.

lindula said...

wow, you's have a busy life. Can't wait to see the new kids!! Dan

lindula said...

Dan and Mauri,
when are you coming up this way to visit?
Mauri, I'm going to call you one of these days as I have an idea and want to know what you think about it. I'll hopefully call this weekend.