Thursday, April 23, 2009

More of Heidi

Visitors.... Dave is happy to be photographed with our little princess....

Uncle Randy is going to spoil our little girl (fine by her parents and her)....

Randy brought her a coin bank. He is intstructing her on how to hit up all her aunts and uncles for change....
Her Auntie Liz came to visit and was told to bring a pocket of change. She brought a whole jar and we have to empty the coin bank already to make room for the change she is bound to get from others. My nephew Tristan enjoyed putting the money in the bank and hearing the tractor sound. He would say that he can put it in and the "pennies are for Heidi".


I'm back to work now, so decided it is time to post some pictures of Heidi being as the computer here is so much faster....

Here's Heidi the day she arrived home.... Her clothes I brought were way too big for her so she is swimming in a 0-3 month outfit!!!

Sleeping is a common theme.
Why is it you can't really hold a sleeping baby without falling asleep?

Daddy takes a turn watching her and both slept peacefully. Heidi would stick her hand out to tickle her father's neck, just to be touching and he didn't even flinch.

They say to do "tummy time" to help with strengthening neck muscles. I don't think this is exactly what they mean :)
Even Dan gets to take a nap

Mauri trying to make Heidi smile...

Yes Dan, she knows how to stick out her tongue now... (OK, not really)

Heidi sends hugs to everyone....

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Dan and Mauri were here Monday, spent the day, kids loved them. Emalee woke up Tuesday and said, now lets eat and go to Mauri's, then proceeded to become crestfallen when I said, not yet, in one month. She also accused me of lying, supposedly I told her we were eating breakfast then heading off to Mauri's house. Everyone here is fine.....P.L.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spent the day at the park for our Sunday school picnic. Was very fun. We take up the whole park, more water flies thru the air than can be feasibly navigated, wetness is a guarantee! Jeff Kako and I will be extending his patio this week, he put new pipe and a spigot in my front yard Saturday. Everybody is fine here, wondering how to fit all our stuff plus the dogs in the truck, always fun bringing them everywhere. NOT!!!!....P.L...