Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Baby News

Met with the doctor yesterday. The plan is for me to have the baby weight calculated at an ultrasound on Thursday. Then, either go on my own or be induced next week. My due date is the 15th, but they want baby out at 39 weeks. If I can't get in the schedule, baby will be induced by the 17th at the latest. So, coming up soon!!!


Forstie said...

Wow, its already almost time for baby! Hope everything goes well for you and can't wait to hear when baby arrives!

lindula said...

Well, it.s about time for the new farmhand to show. Time has gone by so fast. For me at least. What hospital are you planning on having the baby at? Call and let us know when the youn'un arrives. Happy days are here to come, doo-da - doo-da.

lindula said...

Baby will be born in Hibbing. I had the ultrasound last night and based on that, baby is pretty small. I know they aren't accurate and the doctor had to give the okay before I left, but wants to see me today to develop a plan. We'll see what happens in the next hour or so.....